4 Key Things Every Believer Needs to Succeed

We all face things that require some decisive action; we must, therefore, pray for wisdom to know which way to go.Originally published at highcity.org

I want to exhort you on four key things every believer needs to succeed in this decade without sweat: the Christ, faith, watchfulness and prayer, and wisdom. These are the key things that will keep you safe in these last days. 1. The Christ: Luke 4:16-17 teaches that Christ is the anointed one; the anointed one to deal with the six major problems of life: poverty, brokenheartedness, captivity, blindness, bruises, and bad seasons and evil days. Jesus Christ is the man anointed to preach the gospel to the poor, heal the broken hearted, preach deliverance, preach recovery of sight to the blind, set the captives free, to restore the bruised, and preach the acceptable year of the Lord. Jesus Christ is the only person anointed to deal with these six problems of life; indeed, if the son shall, therefore, set you free, you shall be free indeed.

2. Faith:

Mark 16: 17-20 teaches that those who hear and believe the gospel we preach are empowered to manifest fivefold signs. They are able to heal.the sick, cast out devils, speak with a new tongue, take up serpents, and escape the venom of poison. Faith is that master key that enables a mere man to do all these and many more. The anointing alone is not enough to solve all problems, you also need faith. You need to believe the gospel. You must believe. Most of the challenges you face are in the mind and heart. Faith is that weapon that empowers you to win the battle.

3. Watchfulness and prayer:

Mark 14:48 exhorts us to watch and pray, lest we enter into temptation. The world is dark and things are not always what they seem; therefore, you need to be vigilant to escape the trapping of the enemy. We must watch and pray. We must not just go through life, we must watch and pray fervently. Believers need to be watching and praying; it is the Lord that would establish your going. You may devise your ways but it is the Lord that shall determine your steps. I pray that you shall make prayer your habit and a watch word.

4. Wisdom:

Finally, wisdom is profitable to direct. We all face things that require some decisive action; we must, therefore, pray for wisdom to know which way to go. We must pray that God will give us wisdom. You need that wisdom and God is going to help you with it. I pray that you will be admonished and you shall seek to find these four things which will help you find godly success. The Lord shall be your light and help, trust Him with all your heart. Be blessed, I love you! Kofi Simpe Prayer: Father, please give me your Holy Spirit, faith, a spirit of watchfulness and prayer, and the wisdom for life. I know You will not withhold any of these things from me. Thank You for answering my prayer, Amen! Originally published at highcity.org