Walking in the Steps of Faith

We have been called to walk in the steps of faith of Abraham. So arise and take faith steps for maximum results.Originally published at highcity.org

Walking in the Steps of Faith

[Romans 4:12 KJV] “And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised”.

Those who believe must walk in the steps of that faith of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all those who walk in the steps of that faith. This is our time and season to walk in this faith and new grace. I pray that as you walk in the steps of faith, you would get the same results as Father Abraham did.

There is a call to walk in the steps of faith. Arise and take faith steps for maximum results.

Seven simple steps of faith are:

1. Take God at His word:

The elders were men and women who took God at His word. When the elders of Israel were sent to spy the land, Joshua and Caleb came back with a good report because they took God at His word. When God told Abraham that He will bless him and cause him to embrace a son, Father Abraham believed and it was counted to him as righteousness.

2. Speak what you believe not what circumstance suggest (See 2 Corinthians 4:13):

The text teaches that it is written that those who believed spoke, thus we believe and hence we also speak. You must train your tongue and senses to react in the direction of the word.

3. Take action on the word (See Hebrew 11:7-8):

The Bible teaches that Noah when he was called to build an ark was moved by fear and built it immediately.  When Abraham was called to go out of his country, he went, and when God told him to offer Isaac, he obeyed immediately. We must also act on the word and on our faith.

4. Keep walking inspite of the storm; (See Romans 4:16-17):

There may never be a perfect time but God is able to set a table before you in the presence of your enemies. He is able to drive away great nations and give us our land of promise.

Please, just keep walking; there is no stopping for us . Just keep walking!

5. Testify of the goodness and mercies of the Lord:

The fathers always spoke of the goodness and mercies of the Lord. They knew and greeted each other with the phrase, ‘God is good and His mercies endures forever’. Indeed God is good and His mercies endures forever.

6. Return to say thank you (See Luke 17:12):

Remember that the Samaritan leper who returned to say thank you was made whole. Return to say thank you. It saves you from disloyalty.

7. Strive, labour till your enter His rest:

There is in place in God where you are fixed and settle; a place where you are not moved or shifted because of fear and panic. There is a place in God where you are settle and not agitated. Until you get there and settle, you will be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.

You will make it and not fail; I love you, stay blessed!

Noah Simpe Bediako

Originally published at highcity.org