Making the Word Happen

Nothing happens by accident. Men subject to like passions as we are make it happen. We should rise and be a people that makes things happen, rather than relaxing and melancholically following whatever would happen.

Making the Word Happen was originally published on HighCity Church

Making the Word Happen“Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.  And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.” (James 5:17-18)

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 18

Nothing happens by accident. Men subject to like passions as we are make it happen. We should rise and be a people that makes things happen, rather than relaxing and melancholically following whatever would happen.

As we approach the next season, you can sit on the roof top waiting for the rain or you can be on the mountain making the rain come.  If you make the cheers happen, you will be celebrated. Enough of sitting on the fence waiting on circumstances to favour you. Get down to the tracks and push until something happens in your life.

The Lord has spoken, we have been told that it is our season of expansion and fulfillment. Therefore, the simple steps to making things happen are;

  1. Receive the Word in faith:

Listen for the Word of God and step out in faith and courage. In 1 Kings 18:1, we are told that the word of the Lord came unto Elijah saying “Go and show yourself unto Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth.” the man of God and his servants received the Word in faith. They took the Word seriously and started off.

  1. Condemn every tongue that rises up against you:

Most often than not before the vision speaks for itself, people will misrepresent and accuse you. In 1 Kings 18:17-20, we are told that Ahab upon seeing Elijah, began to accuse him; but the man of God began to talk back and condemn that tongue. When David decided to fight Goliath, he was criticised, mocked, and called names, but he was not moved. He rather worked hard to make the vision speak.

  1. Stand for what is right even if it means standing alone:

People are tired of fake people. It is time to show the real stuff. Many of us run with the masses but Elijah stood for what was right and not what was popular. There were 850 prophets on one side but he still stood with what God had said.

  1. Pray earnestly while you work:

While you work at your assignment, give yourself to prayer. Put your face in-between your thighs and pray. Shut your ears from external voices and listen to your inner voice. Just pray and keep praying. God has spoken, it is now time to give our all to the Word. So get down to work, avoid being distracted. God is waiting on us to run with the Word.

  1. Surround yourself with the right people:

 While you pray and work, surround yourself with people who believe in your dream even if your circumstances are contrary but are strong enough to tell you the truth.  These must be people who stick with you even for six seasons of no sign of success; but are strong enough to give you the right situational report. The servant of Elijah stood even after 6 times of no sign of rain. The vision is for an appointed time. Stick with the right team.

You will not fail, trust God and press forward with hope.

God bless you!

Making the Word Happen was originally published on HighCity Church

Breaking Invisible Barriers

Many of us are too superficial in our understanding. There are roots and causes that underlines many of the defeats and setback we suffer in life.Originally published at

Click here to read your daily  Prayer and  Confession Bulletin for the 21 Days Breaking Your Fallow Ground. God bless you!

Joshua 7

Many of us are too superficial in our understanding. There are roots and causes that underlines many of the defeats and setback we suffer in life.

Israel fled before Ai because of an invisible barriers. As we spend quality time before God in these 21 days, please pray the following prayers and make the confessions, that;

# Jehovah shall unveil,  reveal to us every barrier that must be dealt with. You will not grope in darkness anymore! (Jeremiah 33:3) Receive light and illumination.

# In the name of Jesus, nothing shall divide and rule us anymore. Any evil device projected against your life, families, or team to divide and rule you is rebuked now! (2 Corinthians 2:11)

# As we pray, we demand that any thorn in any flesh assigned by the wicked one to afflict you is rebuked in the name of Jesus!

# We plead for mercy now! That arrows troubling anyone in the flesh be broken, be bent and destroyed in the name of Jesus! (Psalm 38)

# Every evil spirit seeking access to afflict and plunder my life, my network or work is resisted fiercely now in the name of Jesus! (Luke 11:21-26)

# Now in the mighty name of Jesus! Any strong forces occupying my mountain of promise is dislodged now! (Deuteronomy 7:1-4)

# Through the year any thorns (lusts, anxiety, deceitfulness and cares) in my field that intends to or is choking the Word of God in my life is cast  out in the name of Jesus! (Mark 4:7)

# We fortify ourselves right now, we put on the whole armour of God, and wrestle every principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high place; in the name of Jesus! (Ephesians 6:10-19)

# We engage the weapons of our warfare which are mighty through God and we pull down, cast down and throw down every imagination,thought or high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)

# We exercise authority over every serpent or scorpion or every power of the enemy; nothing shall by any means hurt us in Jesus’ name. (Luke 10:17)

# In the name of Jesus, any strange person planted in my life or on my path  is cast out, restrained, and disarmed in Jesus’s name!

#Lord,  lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil; for You are able to do it.

We will win and overcome in Jesus’s name!


Click here to read your 21 Days Fasting and Prayer and  Confession Bulletin. God bless you!

Originally published at