The Reason Why Many Prayers are not Answered

[Mark 11:21‭-‬26 KJV] “And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.” “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea;…Originally published at

[Mark 11:21‭-‬26 KJV] “And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.”

“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”

“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.”

Why Many Prayers are not Answered


I want to touch on why many prayers go unanswered; for the simple reason that the church spends way too much time asking and receive very little. I wonder why we pray to the Almighty Prayer-answering God, and yet many of our prayers go unanswered.

In the next few paragraphs, I will by the grace of God touch on four reasons why many of our prayers don’t get answers.

Let us begin by trying to understand what prayer is! Prayer is speaking out vocally into the air believing that there is a God who can hear and answer you. I believe prayer must be vocal if it must birth faith.

4 reasons many prayers go unanswered

The first reason many prayers go unanswered is that we pray without a consuming desire. Sometimes we pray for praying sake. We don’t pray because we desire what we are praying about. The Lord said we should commit “whatsoever we desire” to prayer. Desire must come first.

The second reason is our lack of faith. The Bible states clearly that a double-minded person cannot receive anything from God. You must pray with faith and believe to receive. You must ask in faith. Faith is a master key that leads to answered prayer.

The third reason is not yielding to God’s time. The Bible teaches us to believe that it shall be ours and we shall have it. We must believe that God is bringing it and we shall have it.

The last reason is unforgiveness. You see, many of us don’t even deserve God’s mercy, yet He forgives us. We must, therefore, forgive others for the continuous flow of power into our lives.

Why Many Prayers Go Unanswered


May the Good Lord continue to work on our hearts and minds to desire, believe and wait. May many more people begin to engage these master keys for answered prayers. May God cause the answers to our prayers to be released in the name of Jesus Christ.

Stay blessed

Simpe Bediako

Originally published at

7 Prayer Keys to Growth and Increase

We want to explore the faith and prayer keys to growth and increase. Growth is a supernatural process; no man knows how it comes about. It is a mystery that must be explored. The Bible says, [Isaiah 60:22 KJV]“A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord…Originally published at

We want to explore the faith and prayer keys to growth and increase. Growth is a supernatural process; no man knows how it comes about. It is a mystery that must be explored.

The Bible says,

[Isaiah 60:22 KJV]“A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time”.

I want to share with you the seven mysteries of supernatural increase.

  1. Vision
  2. God’s glory
  3. Divine direction
  4. Atmosphere of gratitude
  5. Drastic supernatural Manifestations relevant to your locality
  6. Supernatural invitation and gathering
  7. Wisdom to build structures and systems to maintain the increase

These are the prayer and faith keys to supernatural increase and growth. There are so many things we cannot achieve by the arm of flesh. We need the supernatural touch for the supernatural increase.

Prayer keys to growth and increase

1. Vision

We want to spend the coming days praying and believing that God will supernaturally open the eyes of the HighCity to see what He is about to do among us and with us.

We must pray and believe God to open our eyes to His visions and to see His goals. Until your spirit and mind receive it, you cannot pursue it. You must be persuaded by the visions of God to know where to move and what to do.

2. God’s glory

The second thing we want to pray and believe God for is the manifestations and presence of God’s glory in our lives and specific chapels.

We must arise to pray and mention the names of our chapels and plead for the supernatural presence and glory of God to be manifested there.

Pray and believe that the manifest glory of God will draw many to this place to worship and serve our God.

3. Divine direction

We want to pray that the Angel of the Lord shall manifest Himself to us and help us to walk in the ways of God. Pray and believe God for divine directions and instructions. When the Lord Jesus directed the people to fill the pots with water and draw out, they drank wine. They drank choice wine.

4. Atmosphere of gratitude

We want to pray and believe God that our hearts and meetings will be filled with an atmosphere of praise or worship and gratitude.

As in the days of Jeremiah, may He turn again our captivity and cause praise and worship to emanate from among us.

[Jeremiah 30:18‭-‬21 KJV] “Thus saith the Lord ; Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob’s tents, and have mercy on his dwellingplaces; and the city shall be builded upon her own heap, and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof.”

“And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.”

“Their children also shall be as aforetime, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them”

“And their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from the midst of them; and I will cause him to draw near, and he shall approach unto me: for who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto me? saith the Lord.”

Praise and a merry heart is a secret to multiplication. May the praise of God rise from among us!

Prayer keys to growth and increase

5. Drastic supernatural manifestations

We want to continue to pray and believe God that He shall stir up drastic supernatural manifestations that are relevant to our area of operation.

May the Good Lord show Himself strong. There are certain manifestations that only God can initiate. May Jehovah do a work among us that will marvel and confound nations!

6. Supernatural invitation and gathering

Let us pray and believe that the same God who sent the winds to gather the quails in the wilderness shall blow His wind again and invite people to worship in our chapel.

May He send people to come and do business with us and may He bring the supernatural increase. May the Lord increase us with men like a flock.

7. Wisdom to build structures and systems

Finally, join me as we pray and believe God to help us build systems and structures that will sustain the growth and increase He brings.”

“As in the days of the apostles in Acts 6, may the Lord bless us with men filled with the Holy Ghost and with wisdom to practically minister to needs and build systems that will sustain growth.

I have no doubt that God will bring us supernatural natural increase as we wait on Him. Say “Amen” to that!

My book, Taking Territories discussing the dynamics of church growth, you can download a copy from my website

Stay blessed

Simpe Bediako

Originally published at

6 Simple Reasons Why You Must Decide to Pray More!

[1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV] “Pray without ceasing” I want to exhort you to decide to pray more. You must decide to pray more because; 1. God answers prayers. If there is a man to pray then there is a God to answer. (See Mark 11:23-25) 2. A generation that does not pray more gets faint…Originally published at

[1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV] “Pray without ceasing”

I want to exhort you to decide to pray more. You must decide to pray more because;

1. God answers prayers.

If there is a man to pray then there is a God to answer. (See Mark 11:23-25)

2. A generation that does not pray more gets faint or weak:

(See Luke 18 verses 1 downwards). We must learn to pray more for greater strength and tenacity.

Decide to Pray More - Pastor Noah Simpe Bediako

3. Prayer is the dynamo that drives the gospel:

(See 1 Timothy 2:1-4). If there is only one thing we can do to help the gospel, then we must choose prayer. Prayer is that one thing that will push the gospel and bring salvation. If you can do only one thing, choose to pray.

4. Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principality and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places and the rulers of the darkness of this world. (See 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Ephesians 6:10-18)

5. Prayer is the womb in which visions are birth:

By vision, I mean seeing into the realms of the unseen. Cornelius saw a vision while praying (See Acts 10:30); Peter had a vision while praying (See Acts 11:5); Saul had a vision while praying (See Acts 9:10-12). Pray is the womb in which vision is birth.

Pray More

6. Prayer makes available tremendous or great power:

The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. (See James 5:16)

I want to exhort you to pray all kinds of prayer with all perseverance and supplication. Pray with understanding and praying in an unknown tongue. Pray alone but pray also with the brethren. Pray undertone but pray fervently too.

Just pray! Pray and pray and pray without ceasing. Listen, pray until something happens! Remember that everything by prayer; nothing without prayer. Let us arise and pray!

My book on “Prayer” is a delightful read. Download a free copy from

Stay blessed

Originally published at

Start Your Day with Prayer

The best way to start your day is with prayer. Prayer is communication with God. It is a medium by which mortal men encounter an immortal God. Prayer is the act of speaking into the air from your heart, believing that there a person out there in outer space and in your heart who can…Originally published at

The best way to start your day is with prayer. Prayer is communication with God. It is a medium by which mortal men encounter an immortal God.

Prayer is the act of speaking into the air from your heart, believing that there a person out there in outer space and in your heart who can both hear and grant your request because you have trusted Him. Prayer is a divine mystery that connects mortal men with the immortal God.


I encourage you to start your day with prayer because:

1. Jesus Christ started His day with prayer:

In Mark 1:35, the Bible teaches that the Lord woke up early before daybreak and started His day with prayer.

Prayer was His morning routine and habit. Remember that a disciple is not greater than his master, if the Master prayed, then you must pray too.

2. Prayer will awaken your senses:

Prayer is one of the great secrets to awaken your spiritual senses. Jeremiah 33:3 teaches that when we pray, God will show us great and hidden things which we know not.

Prayer brings awakening and information. When you pray, you see and know hidden things.

3. Those who pray achieve more:

Prayer releases the ability to do more. Prayer leads to greater performance. The Bible exhorts us to commit our ways to the Lord, and He will establish our going.

Prayer makes you strong and enables you to do more even in the face of adversity. Prayer is the key

Prayer is communication with God — a divine mystery that connects mortal men with the immortal God!

What can you pray about?

There are many things you can pray about;

1. What you desire:

The Bible teaches in Mark 11:23-24 that you can pray about whatsoever things that you desire. As long as you can believe that you have it, it shall be done for you.

2. What you need:

The second category of things you can pray about is the things you need. Are there needs in your life? Are there things that you want? Just commit them to God in prayer.

3. What the Scriptures promise:

You may also pray about things that the Scriptures promise. When Daniel understood by the books of Jeremiah he prayed about them. The best form of prayer is to pray what God promises in His word.

4. Things that steal your peace:

The third thing to pray about is to pray about things that steal your peace. Pray about all afflictions and pray for the grace to overcome.

James 5 teaches that if any is afflicted he should pray. Prayer works wonders in face of adversity.

How do you pray?

  1. Find a place for a time
  2. The place should be free from interference and
  3. You must not be a source of nuisance to others

I do not doubt that God will keep and help you to start your day with prayer.

I love you

Pastor Noah Simpe Bediako

Originally published at

The Mystery that Saves the World

[Romans 10:13 KJV] “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Further reading: Romans 10) I want to exhort you today on the mystery that saves the world. By the world, I am referring to all of us who live under heaven in this life. I hope we agree that…Originally published at

[Romans 10:13 KJV] “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Further reading: Romans 10)

I want to exhort you today on the mystery that saves the world. By the world, I am referring to all of us who live under heaven in this life.

I hope we agree that we all get to that point in life when we need help, healing, deliverance, and salvation; sure! I want to speak about one mystery that saves the world and can save everyone that lives here; pray. Prayer or Hello God! No man who learns the secret of calling upon the Lord ever gets swallowed up by evil or destroyed.

The Bible tells us that “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Calling upon the Lord is that one simple single secret and mystery that saves the world. However, we know that people cannot call on a man they have not believed, and they can’t believe on a man they have not heard. The world and the people here must hear of Jesus Christ if they can believe and call on Him.

The Mystery that Saves the World

This is why the church and God is sending out missionaries; when these missionaries go out they preach, the people hear, believe, and then call upon the Lord, and are saved and discipled. This is the cycle that keeps the wheels of missions running.

  1. We (the church) sends
  2. The missionaries go and preach
  3. You hear, believe, and call
  4. You are saved and must be discipled.

I am here preaching because the church sent me. I won’t be preaching if I was not sent. I cannot preach except I am sent. You must also hear and believe; don’t just believe but call! Pray! Cry out! Cry out desperately!

Listen, many will perish; many will not make it. The enemy is wild and out! The enemy wants to destiny many people, but you will escape when you learn to pray.

Remember there is no mystery that can save the world than to call upon God in faith. You will escape destruction and death but by prayer.

I love you, stay blessed

Pastor Noah Simpe Bediako

Originally published at

God is Just a Prayer Away!

I want to exhort you today to understand that it does not matter what you are going through, or why you think you are going through it, God our hope, healer, and helper, is only a prayer away. I am exhorting you on this truth because many of us are making the same mistake I…Originally published at

I want to exhort you today to understand that it does not matter what you are going through, or why you think you are going through it, God our hope, healer, and helper, is only a prayer away. I am exhorting you on this truth because many of us are making the same mistake I believe Adam made that sold us under sin.

[Genesis 3:17‭-‬19 KJV] “And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

What is this mistake? The pride of not saying “Hello God! I am sorry.” I can’t imagine how a mortal man can disobey God and for 900 years never come to the point of knowing that I am wrong and need to apologize. Has it occurred to you that until Moses and the Law, sin was not imputed? I have no doubt that Adam could have just said “Hello God! I think I am wrong and you are right; I think I cannot make it on my own anymore”. But for years, Adam never thought about it to repent and ask for forgiveness.

No matter what you are going through, or why you think you are going through it, God our hope, healer, and helper, is only a prayer away.

The text above reveals that the Lord cursed the earth because of Adam, but even Cain asked for a review and he was immediately rewarded with a lessening or his punishment, but we don’t read of Adam doing any such thing.

I pray that you will not repeat this mistake and pride. I pray that we shall return to the Lord and throw ourselves on His mercy, asking for His forgiveness and restoration.

The Bible tells us that it does not matter how much or how far we have drifted, if we can cry out to God, humble ourselves and pray, He will hear from heaven and forgive us. If His people, who are called by His name, shall humble themselves and pray then He shall hear from heaven and answer, forgive and heal them.

This is the time and the season for us to remember, that the earth is cursed for our sakes and the only way to reverse the curse is to humble ourselves and pray. The only way to reverse the curse is to cry out “Hello God!” This is the way out! There is no other way you can break the curse.

May the Lord help you to repent and return to Him, that every curse may be broken, Amen!

I love you, stay blessed

Pastor Noah Simpe Bediako

Originally published at

Those Who Pray Grow Stronger

We thank God for the grace to pray. I believe that men ought to pray always. Unless we pray always, the following is sure to happen Many shall faintMany will grow weaker and weakerMany will grope in darknessMany will fall into temptation We want to spend some time in prayer and call upon God for…Originally published at

We thank God for the grace to pray. I believe that men ought to pray always. Unless we pray always, the following is sure to happen

  1. Many shall faint
  2. Many will grow weaker and weaker
  3. Many will grope in darkness
  4. Many will fall into temptation

We want to spend some time in prayer and call upon God for His grace and power. I believe that we can have greater power and rise beyond the schemes of darkness. You will rise above the storms and win.

(Lift your right hand and declare) Lord! I thank You for grace and for life. I thank You for protection and provision. I thank You for new doors and necessary miracles. I thank You that You supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory. Receive all the adoration and honour. (Pray aloud for a few minutes)

(Clap your hands and declare). I wantthe blood to purge and wash me. I plead the mercies of the Lord to compensate and pay for my sin. I pray that my soul shall escape the snare of the fowler. I decree that my change shall come. I am forgiven! I am the righteousness of God! I am blessed and not cursed! I have the forgiveness of God and I am not guilty. (Pray and pray louder)

(Lift up your hands and declare) In the name of Jesus! In the mighty name of Jesus! Any spirit assigned against my life to cause delays and waste my time is rebuked. Any spirit fighting my life and the works of my hands are rebuked. Any spirit assigned to delay my harvest is rebuked. I pray against the spirit of delay in my life. I harvest my good fruits! I harvest my blessings and increase! Nothing shall delay my prosperity! I am blessed and not cursed. I will advance and accelerate faster than the enemy projected. I speak power. I speak liberation and change now! (Pray)

Those who pray grow stronger

(Clap your hands and declare) Now! In the name of Jesus! Any enchanter or diviner casting lots and enchanting daily to project failure and destruction against me is judged. In the name of Jesus, I frustrate their tokens! I speak fire, thunder, lightning, and quakes against them in the name of Jesus. Enchanters and dividers shall not succeed against me. I rise above the operations of witches and wizards. I have the dominion and power to tread upon them in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Lord.

(List up your voice and say after me) I am smart! My mind is alert! I am not dull! I am not a failure! I am a child of God. I shall win and not fail. My ideas will yield fortunes. The things I touch shall be blessed. I am fruitful and I bear fruits. I am soaring. I am rising and rising and rising. Tomorrow shall be better than today. I have the grace and power of God. I can win and overcome. The blessings of the Lord are upon me. I shall escape the plans of the adversary. Thank you, Lord. (Pray)

(Lift your voice and plead) Father, help me to see my way. Be my guide and help in times like this. Let me not miss the way. Give me the courage to follow your leading. Let me see the dawn of a new day; day of progress and a day of change. “Let not the adversary exact upon me”. “Be my shield and the lifter up of my head”. (Pray)

Begin to thank the Lord and give Him all the glory for an answered prayer. Amen.

Be blessed, I love you

Pastor Noah Simpe Bediako

Originally published at

How to Pray for the Church

In John 17, there are seven major concerns our Lord Jesus Christ addressed in prayer. We want to lift our voices and pray for the church. we want to lift a banner of prayer over the church and I believe that God will heal the church. 1. Pray that none shall be lost: Pray thay…Originally published at

In John 17, there are seven major concerns our Lord Jesus Christ addressed in prayer. We want to lift our voices and pray for the church. we want to lift a banner of prayer over the church and I believe that God will heal the church.

1. Pray that none shall be lost:

Pray thay as many as the Lord shall add to the church shall remain. We will not lose anyone to hell and destruction. Let us pray that as many as the Lord shall add to us will be retained and we shall grow.

2. Pray that the Father will keep us from evil:

Let us pray that God will keep each of us from evil and deliver us from temptation. The whole world lies in wickedness and there is so much evil in the world. Let us pray that God will keep each of us from evil. Battles are a normal part of this life. It is my prayer that God will keep us from evil and wickedness.

3. Pray that we may be one in Him:

Pray that we will be one in Him. Unity in the body is so important. United we stand; divided we fall. When we dwell in unity, then we are strong. God is not an author of confusion. He is the Spirit of oneness. I pray that the Lord shall heal the cracks amongst us and make us dwell in unity.

4. Pray that the Lord may sanctify us by His Word and truth:

Let us pray that the word that comes forth from time to time shall heal and sanctify us. May the word wash us thoroughly and keep us sanctified. The Lord said “I have sanctified them by your truth”. May you be sanctified in the name of Jesus Christ!

5. Pray that we may know His name:

Let’s us pray that the name of the Lord shall be exalted and magnified in the church. I pray that the name of the Lord shall heal the sick and set the captives free. I pray that at the mention of the name of the Lord every knee shall bow.

6. Pray that we may see His glory in the church:

Let us pray that the glory of God shall be seen among us when we gather. Pray that the glory of God shall be manifested in the church among us. Pray that the luminance of the glory of God shall drive away devils and liberate your mind.

7. Pray that we will do the work of the Father as Jesus did it:

This is our time and now is the season. There is work to be done and we will arise and so that work. Pray that great and effectual doors of ministry shall be opened unto us and we shall possess it fully.

I have no doubt that God has heard us and we will win.

I love you

Pastor Noah Simpe

Originally published at

Lead Us not into Temptation but Deliver Us from Evil

I have taught you that without Christ we can do nothing. We must therefore depend on Christ in whatever we do. We must depend on Him for strength and life. [Matthew 6:13 KJV] “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,…Originally published at

I have taught you that without Christ we can do nothing. We must therefore depend on Christ in whatever we do. We must depend on Him for strength and life.

[Matthew 6:13 KJV] “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Today, we acknowledge that the kingdom, the power, and the glory belongs to the Lord. In fact, except the Lord graciously saves us, we cannot be saved. Our prayer today is that the Lord shall lead us not into temptation but that He shall deliver us from evil.

There are two main ills in life; temptations and evil. Temptation is to be drawn by your own lust but evil is to fall into the wicked schemes of others. Temptation is when you are drawn by your own cravings, lusts, and desires; evil is when someone plots an evil scheme with the intention to hurt you. Our prayer is for the Lord to lead us not into temptation but rather deliver us from the wicked schemes of others. If any is planning wickedness against you, may the Lord deliver you in the name of Jesus Christ!

I have also taught you that there are five dimensions of evil projected against each one of us. These are the five dimensions of wickedness project to steal, kill or destroy us and what we are building. The gates of hell are against the advancement and prosperity of the church and the body of Christ on earth. The devil does not want you to go forward in life, and he will use these five-dimensional combat strategy to maim and resist you. I have taught you that whether you are aware of this or not, whether you believe or not, whether you pay attention to this or not, there is a five-dimensional attack launched against you;

  • The battle against your mind
  • Creeping things
  • Wrestlers and devourers
  • Unclean spirit that seeks to possess you
  • Wickedness that operate through others

It is important to understand that there are devils and schemes of wickedness that operate from above which attacks your mind, there are other things that creep in subtly, some come more affront and aggressively as roaring lions and wrestling spirits. There are, however, unclean spirits that fight you by first seeking to possess you, and there are those spirits that can only attack you by possessing people close to you.

Lead Us not into Temptation but Deliver Us from Evil

There are five simple combat intelligence required to completely keep these wicked spirits at bay;

  1. Complete obedience
  2. Being strong in the Lord…
  3. Yielding your members as instruments of righteousness
  4. Exercising your authority as a believer
  5. Discernment and discretion

These are the five most effective intelligence strategies against evil. These are the main keys that will help you to win and overcome the extreme wickedness and evil in the world.

2 Corinthians 10:3-4 reveals that there are imaginations and thoughts and high things and knowledge that seeks to exalt itself against the knowledge of God to fight you. These are spirits that seek to attack your mind and peace; by simply painting pictures that tend to steal and kill and destroy your peace. The Bible teaches that we can punish these type of evil spirits when our obedience is complete. Total yieldedness to the word of God is the master key to casting down and pulling down these weapons. Our ability to depend solely on God is paramount. Our weapons against these kinds of attack are only mighty through God.

Ephesians 6:10-18 and 1 Peter 5:8-9 teach that we must be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might because there are principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness, and adversaries we must resist steadfastly in the faith. This will require strength, fortitude, armour, determination, and perseverance to overcome. We must be ready to resist them steadfastly!

Luke 10:17 teaches that there are creeping things that bite and sting and kill if not threaded upon. The only wisdom to deal with such things is to exercise your authority as a child of God. You have the power to say no or say. You have the power to stop or to start it. These are called creeping things. Interestingly, if you allow them to thrive, heaven will watch on. But if you stand your grounds and say no, heaven will also say no to them. The power is with you. If you accept the proposal of a fool, heaven cannot stop the marriage. You have the authority to say yes or no!

Luke 11:23-24 reveal that when unclean spirits that were previously cast out of you find you; washed, clean, garnished, and idle, they look for seven other more wicked spirits and they come in and possess you. The only wisdom to escape is to yield your members as instruments of righteousness; get involved in the work and ministry. You must find something to do in the house of God. That is the only way to defeat such demons. Instead of using your data to watch movies, spend time watching preaching messages and reading Christian literature.

Finally, you must discern the deep motives of people close to you. That is the only way to escape the wickedness that devils perpetuate through others. Abel would have escaped death if he had discerned Cain’s intentions. Tamar would have escape rape if she had discerned the intention of Ammon. Ammon would have escaped death if he had discerned Absalom’s anger. Samson would have escaped from the Lords of the Philistines if he had discerned the greed in Delilah’s heart. Discernment, Discernment, Discernment!!

I pray that the Lord will not lead any of us into temptation but would rather deliver us from evil. You will escape and you will be safe!

Stay blessed, I love you

Pastor Noah Simpe

Originally published at

5 Things You Need to Know About Prayer

I want to speak to you about five things you need to know about prayer. Prayer is the breathe of the believer. The truth is we have all found ourselves driven to our knees to pray. It is almost impossible to live without prayer. [Colossians 4:2 KJV] “Continue in prayer, and watch in the same…Originally published at

I want to speak to you about five things you need to know about prayer. Prayer is the breathe of the believer. The truth is we have all found ourselves driven to our knees to pray. It is almost impossible to live without prayer.

[Colossians 4:2 KJV] “Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;”

Those who play down on prayer are playing down on their lives. There is no way you can win except by prayer. We must all engage the force of prayer. If you want the best results from prayer, then we must remember to the following;

1. Pray without ceasing:

The Bible teaches us to “pray without ceasing” in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. There are times when you don’t feel like praying and that is the time you must pray the more. You ought to pray and pray without ceasing. We must keep on praying. We must keep praying through the seasons of life.

2. Pray when you feel burdened and beaking, or overwhelmed:

In Luke 18:1 we learn that “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;”. The Bible is teaching that there are times when you will feel like giving up, but when you get to that point, just hang on and keep praying. When life tries to beat you down, resist the temptation to bulge and crumple and rather, stand in prayer. May you arise and begin to stand in prayer! Consistency matters, and we must strive to be consistent.

5 Things You Need to Know About Prayer

3. Pray when you feel ansxious:

I encourage you to be anxious for nothing, but to pray instead. In Philippians 4:6‭-‬7, the Bible say, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. I believe with all my heart that there are times when things try to alarm you. But I believe you shouldn’t allow anything to alarm you; bring everything to God in prayer. Let each of us learn to carry my fears to God in prayer.

4. Pray when you feel needy and helpless:

What do you do in the day of need? What do you do when things are getting out of control. What do you do when you face an evil day? Just pray! The Bible encourages us to come boldly before the throne of grace. “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16KJV). When we learn to come boldly before the throne if grace in the day of need, we recieve grace. Most of the decisions we make in the day of need go wrong or are faulty. The best things to do in the day of need is to come boldly before God in prayer. We all face difficult times and we must all learn to pray.

5. Pray about everything:

Finally, remember that many of us don’t have answers because we don’t pray. We will recieve more answers when we pray. Learning to pray is the secret to learn how to recieve. “From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts” (James 4:1‭-‬3 KJV).

These are the only things that will keep you going and standing. You cannot overlook these facts and make it.

No matter how bad my situation is, prayer is the master key that brings Godly solutions to life’s problems.

Stay blessed, I love you!

Pastor Simpe Bediako

Originally published at