You are About to Step into Your Next Miracle!

You will not miss you miracle if only you believe, discern, declare, and ask patiently. You will surely walk in signs and wonders.Originally published at

I believe with all my heart that by the end of this year, you will receive your miracle. Before this year comes to an end, the Lord will favour and break you through. The cage and barrier that holds you bound must give way to give you speed. I am fully persuaded because of the following reason;

1. You have believed the gospel we preach:

Mark 16:17-20 assures us that signs and wonders shall follow them that believe the gospel we preach. This word will therefore be fulfilled in your life. You will not miss your miracle and necessary breaks that will gives you an advantage.

2. Healing and deliverance are the bread of the  children:

When the Syrophoenician woman came to the Lord Jesus seek the healing and deliverance of her daughter, the Lord stated clearly that healing and deliverance is the bread of the children (See Matthew 15:22-28).

Download Rev. Simpe’s book, Walking in Signs and Wonders, at

Healing, wellbeing, and liberation are the bread of the children. I believe the Lord shall touch and heal us in this set time. Your life shall change and God will lift you to the next level. By faith you are stepping into your realm of possibility; you will receive the touch of power.

3. This is the set time to favour you:

The set time to favour you is now. The Lord has marked you for a miracle. Heaven will answer your prayers and faith.

Psalm 102:13 teaches that there is a set time that God has chosen to favour each of us and that set time has come; this is your set time

[Psalm 102:13 KJV] “Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come”.

[Exodus 9:5 KJV] “And the Lord appointed a set time, saying, To morrow the Lord shall do this thing in the land”.

You will not miss your miracle if only you believe, discern, declare, and ask patiently. You will surely walk in signs and wonders.

Be blessed, I love you!

Noah Simpe Bediako

Originally published at

Moving to the Next Level

We must not die at the same spot; life is dynamic and you should see continual progress. You must soar as an eagle in progressive advancement into the future. This is the time to see new hieghts and advance into the future.Originally published at

It is the will of God for us to move to the next level spiritually, socially, physically, geographically, financially, occupationally, academically. God wants His children to move to next level.

Simple steps to the next level are:

Challenge yourself daily:

Admit that you need to move to the next level. You must become better and do better than you did yesterday. You should not compete with any other, but strive to be the best version of yourself. Strive to do better today than yesterday, and better tomorrow than today. Practice, practice, practice, practice! You mount up with wings and maintain your altitude in soaring when you constantly challenge yourself to do better.

Unleash divine energy from within:

1 Corinthian 4:7 teaches that we carry the treasure of God’s glory in earthen vessels, which we can unleash through hearing the word of God daily, praying daily, and fellowshipping daily. These are the keys to greater performance in life and career. There is power inside you that must be released for effective function.

Download Rev. Simpe’s book, Walking in Signs and Wonders, at

Cast off every weight and sin that easily beset you:

You cannot soar when you are full of self, pride, lust, and sin. When you gain weight through fleshy carnality, you cannot soar. You cannot soar with all these weights.

Forget the things that are behind and press on:

Reach forth to the things that are ahead of you. You cannot continue in the past and still see the future. You must step out of the struts of the past and press on into the future.

We must not die at the same spot; life is dynamic and you should see continual progress. You must soar as an eagle in progressive advancement into the future. This is the time to see new heights and advance into the future.

Be blessed; I love you!

Noah Simpe Bediako

Originally published at