7 Things that Makes Life Worth the Living

May the Lord supply and bless your bread and your water. May you never lack food or water in your home, amen!Originally published at highcity.org

As it was in the beginning so shall it also be. In the beginning, God created man in His own image and after His likeness to rule and to have dominion. Seven things that will determine the quality of your life are your person, blessing, assignment, home, provision, companionship, and fellowship. As we spend this time in prayer, we are trusting God to touch these seven things. I believe with all my heart that these seven aspects of your life can be transformed and will begin to work again amen!

I pray for God to give these things a supernatural touch that will bring the needed transformation that we seek. So, as we wait on God, we are praying that God would;

1. Touch and enlarge your soul:

May the Lord liberate you from any sinful and negative tendencies! May each of us be recreated in the image and the likeness of God. May each of us receive a restored anointing and glory! I pray that the glory of God shall dwell within us and cause us to run and not grow weary, amen!

2. Bless and enlarge your coast:

Pray that the Lord shall preserve you and keep you from falling. As the Lord blessed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, may the Lord bless and equip you for success and breakthrough. We know that it is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow; may that blessing come upon and transform our lives. May the blessing and the Holy Spirit of the Lord encapsulate or come upon each one of us, amen!

3. Preserve and prosper your assignment and your home:

May the Almighty God bless the works of your hands and protect your home. May your work and home be free from predators! You will not become a prey to death, evil, or pestilence! May heaven sustain and preserve your going out and your coming in! May your work and career and home be protected and prosperous! You shall see increase in the works of your hands and your home shall be a place of rest and a haven of refreshment.

4. Bless your basket and your water:

All year round, may the Lord supply and bless your bread and your water. May you never lack food or water in your home. May this year be a year if goodness and mercy! May the Lord resource and empower you to feed others! You will have more than what you need for the day and shall give to others. This is our prayer and faith, amen!

5. Send helpers and partners:

You will never be lonely. The Lord shall send helpers who will love and support you to discharge the charge on your life. You will be loved and cherished. May God bring you joy and loving companions and helpers who will cherish and make you smile all the days of your life. You shall not know pain, fear, or rejection any more! God will be your first Helper. When all other helpers fail, may God never fail you, amen!

6. Fellowship with the Spirit and brethren:

May you emit sweet fellowship with the Holy Spirit and with the brethren. Pray that every time at the feet of Christ in church shall be a refreshing time. Whenever and whoever comes to our services shall have an encounter with God. May the church continue to experience times of refreshing! May the church continue to enjoy the presence of God! None shall run away from the presence of the Lord, neither will the Lord cast anyone out. The Lord will restore unto each of us the joy of His salvation, amen!

Be blessed, I love you!

Kofi Simpe

Originally published at highcity.org