Let All Things be Done unto Edification

Our gathering must always be to strengthen and encourage ourselves to press on in the faith to enter the kingdom.Originally published at highcity.org

[1 Corinthians 14:26 KJV] “How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying”.

You come to church to be edified and not to be entertained. Please, go and tell them. We gather for edification and not for entertainment. The church is not a gaming center or an entertainment ground; the church is the house of the Lord and we gather for edification and not for entertainment. We come to church to be edified, so we must learn to do all things to godly edification.

Whether we are setting up, inviting many or following up those invited, reaching out to the maimed and halt and highways and hedges, or whether we are welcoming people, starting with prayer, singing in worship and praise, or ministering a song and dance and literary arts, preaching the messages, taking offerings, giving announcements, fellowshipping, dating, connecting, or greeting; let all things be done unto edifying of the brethren.

I hope by now you know that our churches are organized around;

  1. Setting up the meeting place and the meetings
  2. Inviting many and following up those invited,
  3. Reaching out to the maimed and halt and highways and hedges, Welcoming people,
  4. Starting with prayer
  5. Singing in worship and praise,
  6. Ministering a song, dance and literary arts,
  7. Preaching the messages,
  8. Taking offerings,
  9. Giving announcements,
  10. Fellowshipping, marrying, connecting, or greeting people;
  11. Working and meeting life development goals.

We should endeavor to do all things unto the edifying of the brethren. This is what church is all about. When we are dancing, we dance to edify the church. Whatever we do should be done for one reason and purpose to edify the church. Our coming together should not be for meeting friends or to sell things or to poach men. Our gathering must always be to strengthen and encourage ourselves to press on in the faith to enter the kingdom.

Be blessed, I love you!

Noah Simpeh Bediako

Originally published at highcity.org