How to Deal with Demonic Harassment

Today, we want to learn how to deal with demonic harassment. We know that in this life there are many seen and unseen things. Some things belong to the earthly realm of things and others also in the cosmic realm of things. We must all understand that our enemy, the devil, is a very dangerous…Originally published at

Today, we want to learn how to deal with demonic harassment. We know that in this life there are many seen and unseen things.

Some things belong to the earthly realm of things and others also in the cosmic realm of things. We must all understand that our enemy, the devil, is a very dangerous being who must not be toyed with.

The are real spirits in this world that try to control behaviours and choices.

  1. He tempted Jesus with food, glory, and convictions. Any personality that can take Jesus to as low as doing anything for food; or to as high as to the pinnacle of the temple is a master of his game of treachery and manipulation.
  2. He entered Judas and made him betray Jesus with a kiss.
  3. He filled Ananias, and make him lie to the Holy Ghost right in the church
  4. He provoked David to number Israel.
  5. He tempted Adam and Eve with a fruit.

The devil is not playing games. This is the time to awake and to work hard to deal with devils. We must begin to fight to be liberated from every demonic harassment in the name of Jesus Christ!

How to Deal with Demonic Harassment - By Pastor Noah Simpe Bediako

To deal with every demonic harassment, it is important to understand the following;

  1. You cannot deal with the devil except you are anointed with power and with the Holy Ghost (See Acts 10:38 Luke 10).
  2. You are not wrestling or fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual wickedness in high places. These entities operate through strongholds, imaginations, thoughts, and high things that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God (See Eph 6:10-18).
  3. You cannot punish all forms of disobedience until your obedience is complete (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
  4. You can win the war only by the blood of the lamb, by the word of your testimony, and by not loving your life even unto death. The fight can get bloody and fierce sometimes (Revelation 12)
  5. You cannot win the war until you depend on God. This is because our weapons are mighty through God to pull down strongholds and cast down imaginations and thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

Pray that the Lord will give us authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over every power of the enemy!

How to Deal with Demonic Harrassment  — We must all understand that our enemy, the devil, is a very dangerous being who must not be toyed with

Pray that the Lord will make us strong in Him and the power of His might! Pray for strength. Build up yourself on your most Holy faith! Pray and edify yourself.

Pray for the grace to put on the whole armour of God: truth, righteousness, salvation, the word of God, faith, preparation of the gospel, prayer, watching, and supplications in the Spirit. Pray for this grace.

Pray that the Lord will help you to obey and be submitted to Him. Pray for the heart of humility. Pray for a heart that can forgive. Pray that you will not speak stoutly or arrogantly.

Pray that the Lord will purge out of you anything that is of the devil out of you. Pray the God will sanctify you; spirit, soul, and body. Pray that any basis that gives the devil legal right in your life and home may be destroyed by the blood. Pray!,

They went and came back with a good report that demons were subject to them.

I love you

Originally published at