6 Reasons Why Many People are Still Bound and Wounded

I believe that it is the will of God to liberate and heal everyone, but many are still bound and bruised and sick and afflicted and wounded and hurt because of the following reasons;Originally published at highcity.org

I want to exhort you today on liberation and healing of the body and soul. I believe that it is the will of God to liberate and heal everyone, but many are still bound and bruised and sick and afflicted and wounded and hurt because of the following reasons;

1. The love of the truth is not in them:

You know the Bible teaches that we shall know the truth as we walk in the word of Christ and that truth shall set us free. Your freedom and liberation is in the truth you know. You will be liberated and healed the very moment you find the truth. It is, therefore, important that you strive to know the truth so that that truth will set you free.

Strive to know the truth

Many are still held captive and wounded because the love of the truth is not in them. They don’t love the truth; they hate the truth and even when they are being told the truth, they rather choose to believe in vanity.

2. They are blinded and ignorant of the word of God:

The Bible teaches us in Proverbs 4:22, that the word of God is health and healing to the bone and marrow of those who find it. Even though God is able to heal, many are still bound and wounded and sick because they have not found the right word. Many are reading and watching and listening to the word of God but not the right word. There is a word in the word of God which is for you.

Jesus came in the volumes of the books to do the will of God. He was totally free and healthy because He knew what word was His word.

We read in the scriptures how Josiah led a revival and a revolution after reading the scrolls found in the temple.

Find the word of God

It is time for each of us to arise and find the word that is given to us.

I believe that it is the will of God to liberate and heal everyone, but many are still bound and bruised and sick and afflicted and wounded and hurt because of the following reasons;

3. They are in denial:

The Bible tells us in James that until we admit, repent, and pray for one another, we cannot be healed (James 5:13-18).

We must admit, repent, confess and pray for one another for healing. You must be accountable to someone and bear another up.

Do you remember the story of Job? He was healed immediately he prayed for his friends. Remember Abraham? He was also liberated when he prayed for the household of Abimelech.

When we forgive and release others, we find liberation and healing.

4. They have not received an anointing and prayer of faith from the elders of the church:

One of the major medium of liberation and healing in the Body of Christ is the anointing and prayer of faith by the elders. Many are still bound, sick, and wounded because they feel too arrogant and proud to call for the elders to anoint and pray for them. You must be able to humble yourself and receive the anointing and prayer of faith of your pastor.

5. They don’t know and eat the right food:

The fork and knife have killed more people than guns. To know what food is good for you and to eat it is a master key to liberation and healing. Apostle Paul taught Timothy to avoid water and drink wine instead; that was how Timothy survived his often infirmity.

6. They think it is by might and power:

Listen, it is not by might, it is not by power; it is by the mercies and the Spirit of the Lord; that is why we are not consumed. If you really want to be free and restored, then seek for the Spirit and mercy of the Lord.

Listen! None should be sick. I speak healing and liberation over your life. Stay blessed and stay safe.

I love you

Pastor Simpe Bediako

Originally published at highcity.org

5 Ways of Healing

I believe the power of God is present to heal and to restore every sick organ in the name of Jesus Christ.Originally published at highcity.org

I want to exhort you today on 5 ways of healing. We are living in times when the understanding of healing is important. These are not normal times but the Lord is our healer. I believe with all of my heart that there are five main sources of healing and restoration:
1. By the body naturally healing itself
2. By medicine
3. By surgical procedures
4. By laughter or a merry heart
5. By faith

I believe the human body is created to be able to heal itself through proper diet, sleep and exercise. Your body can naturally recover from certain conditions and I believe it is the best form of healing. The Bible says “if the spirit of him that raise Christ from the dead abides in you, then he that raised Christ from the dead, shall quicken your mortal bodies.”

“But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you”. (Romans 8:11 KJV)

The next form of healing worth mentioning is by medicine or drugs. Science plays a very important role in the health care delivery system. Apostle Paul recommended that Timothy drink no longer water but wine, for his tummy sake.

“Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities”. (1 Timothy 5:23 KJV)

The Bible teaches that the prophet Isaiah recommended that fig leaves be put on King Hezekiah’s boils. The Lord can choose to heal by herbs. Even in heaven, the nations shall be healed by herbs. The scriptures are littered with clues; let’s pay attention! In the vision of Apostle John, he reveals how the leaves of a tree in heaven by the side of a river was used to heal the nations.

“In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations”. (Revelation 22:2 KJV)

Don’t be tempted to rubbish medicine as a sign of weakness or unbelief. It is important to state that these medicines are neither perfect nor without side effects. Though medicines may have side effects there are many people who can’t be healed by any means except by medication. They don’t even have faith enough to be healed by the anointing.

Thirdly, remember also that a merry heart creates the same effect on your body as medicine would. Being happy and staying joyful will heal and sustain your body the same way as medicine; in fact, healing through being happy has no side effect. Maintaining a joyful attitude would boost your immune system.

[Proverbs 17:22] “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones”.

That is why anointed music was recommended for the mental health of King Saul. A merry heart does good. A merry heart keeps the body healthy.

In a sense, surgical procedure is recommended by scripture as a process of healing and wellbeing. Read this:

[Mark 9:43‭, ‬45‭, ‬47 KJV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬] “And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:”

The Lord by this teaching is suggesting that it is better to live a productive effective and efficient life without parts of your body; than to go through hell.

I believe that you should get well any means possible. Health is wealth, please don’t mess with it.

The final medium of healing is faith or the healing anointing. The faith of many people made them whole in the days of Christ Jesus. They were healed and made whole because they believed in Jesus Christ. We shall, therefore, be discussing healing in a more perfect way, that is healing by faith, by power, and by anointing. I believe the power of God is present to heal and to restore every sick organ in the name of Jesus Christ.

I pray that you get well by any means possible. Health is wealth, stay healthy.

Be blessed, I love you!

Kofi Simpe

Originally published at highcity.org

Healing from Above

The Lord Jesus Christ does not just heal the body, but also restores the souls, and heals the broken spirit. There is no infirmity the Lord cannot heal.Originally published at highcity.org

[Exodus 15:26 KJV] “And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee”

I want to speak about the Lord who heals us. There is God in heaven who oversees everything on earth and heals all of our infirmities. There is no God like Jehovah. He is our healer and He is ready to heal the nations with the “balm of Gilead”. I believe we are living in times when the world must hear and know that our God is the great healer. He healed yesterday, He is healing today, and will heal tomorrow. The church should not pretend that you don’t know that God heals.

I pray that we shall receive a breakthrough in science but my hope and faith are not in science. I am praying that the heaven and the earth and the forces of nature shall rally up against this pandemic. I pray that the atmosphere shall be unfriendly to this virus. May nature empowered by the power of God tame this virus on a rampage! I know that scientist are trying their best but we have the power to tame this beast too.

I will be glad if you believe me but I will not be discouraged if you doubt me; that is your challenge, not mine. This is the time and now is the season to speak authoritatively. Oh God has mercy on us.

Healing is the process of recovering health or becoming well again. To heal, therefore, is to restore soundness to a person or thing or place. Healing in this context is the process of restoring health and soundness to a person. In the context of this teaching, we are referring to a holistic or total restoration of health or well being: body, soul, spirit.

In fact, a restoration of health or healing can be grouped into six dimensions;
1. Bodily health
2. Mental health
3. Social wellbeing
4. Spiritual health
5. Environmental health
6. Occupational health

I believe the Lord wants to give us holistic healing. He wants to help our bodies, mind, families, land, finances, and spirits. The Lord desires that you shall receive total health. God wants you to find freedom from poverty, find recovery of sight, find recovery from emotional brokenness, and organic mental illnesses. There are times when the infirmity is in the body but there are times when the infirmity is in the mind, or emotions, social arrangements, or in the land. Sometimes, what is killing us is in the land we feed and drink from.

The Lord is committed to restoring total health to us. He wants to heal our land, finances, body, mind, spirits, and society. He wants to clean out the mess and restore total soundness to all of His children. One of the least talked about health is mental health. Until recently, mental health needs and issues were always hashed, perhaps because of the fear of stigmatisation. Many people are afraid to be stigmatised, but I believe it is time to open up and talk about it because help is either here or on the way.

Don’t hide the infirmity. Don’t feign wellness when you can be healed completely. There is enough balm in Gilead to heal every sick person (See Jeremiah 8:33). I pray that we shall all join our faith and begin to believe for total healing. Let me emphasize that there is enough balm in Gilead that can heal every sick man or woman on earth. Our Lord is ready to heal and restore total soundness to this generation. The Bible tells us that our God is the “Lord that heals” us; “He forgives all our iniquities, and fills our mouths with good things”.

Our God heals all manner of diseases: on the skin, in the bone, in the mind, in the blood or any of the organs of the body. The Lord Jesus Christ does not just heal the body, but also restores the souls, and heals the broken spirit. There is no infirmity the Lord cannot heal. I believe that the Lord will heal every one of us and restore us.

Jehovah is the Lord that heals us. As Moses spoke and the plague ceased, we issue a command now against this plague to cease now! Amen!

Be blessed, I love you!

Kofi Simpe

Originally published at highcity.org

How Does Healing Happen?

There is no name given under heaven by which a man may be saved, except the name of Jesus Christ.Originally published at highcity.org

[Acts 3:10-16 KJV] “And they knew that it was he which sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple: and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him. [11] And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called Solomon’s, greatly wondering”.

[12] “And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk? [13] The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go. [14] But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; [15] And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses”.

[16] “And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all”.

I want to exhort you today on the secrets to stirring up miracles and healing. What is the source and channel of healing by faith? How can a man get well instantly without medication or the help surgeon?

All miracles and healing take place by the name of Jesus through faith in His name. It will take your faith in Jesus to find soundness. Many of us are roaming in many places trying many things. But there is only one thing that can bring the change we seek; the name of Jesus Christ, and our faith in His name!

The Apostle Peter was very clear in his submission that the man was healed by the name of Jesus Christ through faith. The man was healed by the name of Jesus Christ through the faith of the man.

I have no doubt that these healing take place by the name of Jesus through the faith of those who were healed. You can also be healed today by the name of Jesus Christ if you can believe. There is no name given under heaven by which a man may be saved, except the name of Jesus Christ. This same man Jesus Christ is the healer, His name heals; not my holiness, not your holiness. It is by the name of Jesus through your faith that you are healed.

You shall be healed and nothing will stop you. You shall be touched by power and great change shall take place! Be healed, be transformed, and be changed!

Be blessed, I love you!

Kofi Simpe

Originally published at highcity.org

One Secrets to Being Free from Diseases and Devils

I pray that you shall be healed and liberated by the virtue that flows through the body of Christ on earth today. Originally published at highcity.org

[Ephesians 3:20‭-‬21 KJV] “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, [21] Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen”. In this year 2020, we have been ignited to do the first works; we have been motivated to remember from where we have fallen, and repent and begin to do the first works by first love. This is the season to remind ourselves of what we set out to do and what we have done. We must remind ourselves of the H.I.T. (Hundred in Ten) agenda; and appraise how far we have come with that agenda. This is the time when God is calling us to arise and run the race that He set before us. Most often, when we think about the vastness of the work to be done and the smallness of our strength and resources, we begin to feel very inadequate and incapable. Mary asked “how shall these things be?”; Jeremiah retorted “I am a child..”; Moses said “I can’t speak..”; Gideon said “I am the least..”. The truth is you have no excuse; I have no excuse; and we have no excuse. There is already enough power at work in us. There is a dynamite buried in each of us waiting for an expression. There is power at work in you that must have expression. What we need is to discover how to manifest that power that is at work in us. There is already great power working on the inside of you awaiting for expression. There is great and mighty working power in our bones and body and soul and spirit. We recieved that power when the Holy Ghost came upon us. (See Acts 1:8) Luke 4 teaches us how to give that power expression. We must arise and go in this our might. We must run with might and power. We must run and not faint. What is this secret to manifesting the mighty power at work in you? [Luke 4:1‭-‬2‭, 13‭-‬16 KJV] “And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, [2] Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered”. [13]“And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season. [14] And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. [15] And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all. [16] And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read”. If you are really serious about manifesting the power at work in you, if you really want to do the first works that you have been ignited to do, and you really want to see the hand of God at work in your life, then you need the following keys; 1. You must fulfill all righteousness untill you are filled with the Holy Ghost: Crave for the infilling of the Holy Ghost, hunger for it, desire it, and fulfill every requirement to be filled. You must be filled with the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ was filled with the Holy Ghost; that is how he recieved the power to do good. Whatever your calling is, you need the fullness of God to effectively discharge it. The Holy Ghost is the most important person you must encounter. You must be filled Him with after you have surrendered your life to Jesus. Do all you can to be filled with power and grace. Be full of the Holy Ghost! 2. Be yielded and led by the Spirit: Many of us are unable to manifest the power of God because we are not yielded to the Spirit. The Spirit does not just follow any man at all. Rather, everyone who wants His help must follow Him. You must allow yourself to be led by the Holy Ghost. You must allow yourself to be yielded to Him. He is the most important person. Jesus Christ was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. He was yielded to the Spirit and was led by Him. This is the season and day when we must learn to be yielded to the Spirit so that His mighty power will be at work in us and enable us to achieve mighty feats. 3. Endure temptation: On the highway to manifestation and doing the first works, there are many traps that you must avoid. They include the temptation prove that you are someone, to prove that God is faithful to His word, and the trap to show forth power, wealth, and glory. Many people are unable to wait for God’s timing because they can’t endure. We despise fathers, we say arrogant things, we speak our hearts, and many of us run after the rewards of wickedness. If the Lord had to endure temptations, then you must endure and resist too. Life is not always going to smile at you, you must be prepared to endure many unfairness, drama, betrayal, and contradictions. Sometimes, the people you are dying to save will be the ones driving the nails and spears into your soul. You must be willing to endure, if you really want to make it. 4. Step out and do the first works: A powerful seed in a glass jar on a table will still remain a seed, but when it is planted, watered and cared for, it would eventually grow into a fruit-bearing tree to serve generations. You must be willing to step out and serve. No matter how much power is resident in you, until you step out to obey God, it all remains dormant. We must step out and do the first works. Step out and do whatever the Lord has put in your heart. Jesus Christ returned with power and He began to do the works of He that sent Him. You must step out and do the first works. When you get out there, tell them what you have come to do. Announce your presence, publish your vision and tell your generation what the Lord has laid on your heart. A shut mouth is a shut destiny. You will make it when you announce your purpose. This is the time and we cannot slack anymore. This is the time to step out and run. Be blessed, I love you! Kofi Simpe Prayer: Father, I know you are more than able to do all that I can ask or think. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me to manifest His mighty power and grace, Amen. Originally published at highcity.org

Resisting the Spirit of Infirmity

I want to exhort you today on the need to resist the operations of the spirit of infirmity in your life or familyOriginally published at highcity.org

I want to exhort you today on the need to resist the operations of the spirit of infirmity in your life or family.

[Luke 13:10‭-‬13 KJV]“And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God”.

There may be many causes of infirmity, weaknesses, and sicknesses, but obviously one of the causes of infirmity or weakness or sicknesses is the operation of spirits and devils. The story above tells us about a woman who was bound by the spirits of infirmity for eighteen years. The Bible tells us that she had an encounter with Jesus Christ and she was loosed.

How would you know if the spirit of infirmity is in operation?

The most authentic step to know whether a spirit of infirmity is behind a disease or not is by discernment of spirits. Even though there are other ways, this is the most authentic of them all. You may find out by answering a few questions.

  1. Has the condition been lingering for a long time?
  2. Has the condition defied all medical and scientific solutions known to have cured others?
  3. Are professionals having a hard time establishing the cause of the health challenge?
  4. Do medical tests prove negative yet the symptoms persist?
  5. Is the condition chronic?
  6. Does the condition return even after you get healed in the atmosphere of faith? Sometimes, the victim feels better in church, but the condition returns when they go home.

If you answer yes to two or more of these questions, then there may be a spiritual cause underlying your health challenge. It is, however, possible to tell by engaging the Spirit of God in prayer.

How can you find liberty from these devils?

Every child of God is entitled to divine health and healing, it is the bread of the children. None should be sick among us, we are supposed to walk in health. I speak against any attack on your health, in the name of Jesus. To find freedom from the devils;

1. Refuse to be bound by infirmity:

Never admit that sickness has any right to dwell in your body.

2. Fear the Lord and depart from evil:

Proverbs 3:7-8 teaches that keeping the word of God shall be health to your body and marrow to your bones.

3. Find scriptures of healing and speak them over your life daily:

Proverbs 4:22 teaches that the word of God is health to those who find it. The word heals.

4. Cry out to God:

The Bible teaches in Psalm 107:17-20, that fools, because of their transgressions and iniquities, are afflicted, but when they cry out to God; He sends His word and heals them. When you pray for healing and deliverance, you receive healing and deliverance. I pray that your prayer will yield results.

5. Fast as the Lord has appointed:

Periodic fasting has a way of healing the body both spiritually and bodily. Isaiah 58: 8 teaches that when we fast as appointed, our health shall spring forth speedily. As you wait on God may your health spring forth speedily, in the name of Jesus!

6. Connect with men of higher graces:

Stay in the atmosphere of power. The woman was present at the time the Lord was teaching. Sometimes, you must be present. The cripple who was healed at Lystra was there when Apostle Paul was teaching, and he had faith to be healed. Liberty must be proclaimed. You proclaim or preach liberty, so connect by the lifting up of hands and the shouting of amen when the authority of the word is declared. Recieve that touch now!

7. Exercise the authority you are given over serpents and scorpions:

You have the authority, you can use it. You can resist the devil and he will flee. Speak the word and fight fiercely to be free. Don’t leave your life to chance. You must be well.

Be blessed, I Love you

Noah Simpe Bediako

Originally published at highcity.org