Releasing Your Heritage in Christ

As far as your health, peace and prosperity are concerned, the word of God reigns supreme.

Releasing Your Heritage in Christ was originally published on HighCity Church

Releasing Your Heritage in Christ“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John 1:2 KJV)

Today, I want to share with you our heritage in Christ. I came to announce to you that health, prosperity, and peace are our heritage in Christ Jesus. Every child of God has a heritage in Christ Jesus; that heritage is health, prosperity and peace.

As we wait on God today, I pray that your health shall spring forth speedily. I pray that you will prosper and be in progress. May your soul prosper. May the peace of God guard and guide your heart towards God.

This is my sincere desire for you and the theme of my prayer; that you will be in health and prosper even as your soul prospers. I declare that anyone of you, truely connected to this mandate shall be in health and prosper, even as your soul prospers. As we wait on God, we will be praying for the release of our health and prosperity and peace. Anything fighting your health and peace must be demolished.

Four simple secrets to releasing your health, prosperity and peace are in;

Hearing by the word:

In this world there are many voices vying for your attention. The world is speaking, friends are speaking, family is speaking, the devils are speaking, your bank account is speaking; in fact, there are many voices vying for your attention. In any case only one voice matters; the voice of God by His Spirit and through His word. As far as your health, peace and prosperity are concerned, the word of God reigns supreme. Proverbs 4:20-22 tells us that the word is health to those who find it. Many are sick because they have not found the word. How do your hear? Please do well to hear by the word.

Believing the word:

Hebrews 4:2 teaches that the word only profits those who can mix it with faith. Though the same word may be preached to many, those who benefit are those who mix the word with faith, and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Speaking the word:

The word your don’t speak will not deliver. 2 Corinthians 4:13 says “we have the same spirit of faith; we believe so we speak as they believed and spoke.” Psalm 1 teaches us that those who meditate on the word of God prosper as a tree planted by the side of a river. They bring forth their fruit in their season. Joshua 1:6-8 teaches us that keeping the word of God in our mouth makes our way prosperous.

Enduring by the word:

Psalm 105:16-22 teaches that until his word came, the word of God tried him. I don’t know what you may be faced with but the word of God may be trying you. Endure, stand firm and press on; press forward.

I pray for the release of your heritage in Christ Jesus. You will prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.

Stay blessed; I love you

Releasing Your Heritage in Christ was originally published on HighCity Church

Author: Bishop Noah Simpe Bediako

I am a fiery faith preacher and presently the senior pastor of the HighCity Church World wide. I was originally trained as a civil engineer and hold a second degree from the KNUST/ I HEAR in water supply and environmental sanitation. I am married to Sandra and together we have Daniel, Judah and Michelle.

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