Do the first things first!

‭1 Timothy 2:1-4 KJV‬
[1] I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; [2] for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. [3] For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; [4] who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

The first call of the church is to pray for all men and for people in authority. This is the first thing that everyone saved and empowered can and  do concerning the missions to seek and save the lost. We are called to pray, intercede, and supplication for all men. This is the first thing that we can do and must do.

Join us to pray for the world. Let us pray for the church and world because of what is going on around the world. We must call upon and cry out to God. The world has become so churchy and the church so worldly that the lost is confused. We can no longer tell the difference! It’s time to pray and step out to witness!


  1. SHOW US THE WAY. Open doors of ministry unto us. Show us the way. Show us where to go. Lead us along the way. Let us know where the harvest is ripe. Show us where to witness.
  2. ANOINT US WITH THE HOLY AND WITH POWER. Give us power over devils; power to heal the sick. Power over every power of the enemy. Lord! Give us power that will make us witness. Anoint us with the Holy Ghost and with power to become mighty witnesses of the resurrection.
  3. SEND LABOURERS INTO THE VINEYARD. Send helpers and associates. Send men and women consumed with zeal and passion. Send us men with the holy Spirit and with wisdom. Father! Send us men who are humble and teachable.
  4. AWAKEN OUR CHURCH WITH FIRE. Send fire! Send grace! Send great grace! AWAKEN your church from the slumber and drunkenness! Revive your church!
  5. BREAK THE HOLD OF DARKNESS OVER THE PEOPLE! Remove the blindness and slumber! Father! Let our hearers see the great light. Let none be lost. Remove the veil and let your children wake up. We bind every demonic power! Break every demonic influence in our missions field. Let the demons be subject to us in the name of Jesus Christ!
  6. STRETCH FORTH HIS HAND AND HEAL THE SICK! LIBERATE THE OPPRESS! AND EMPOWER THE BELIEVERS AS WE DECLARE YOUR WORD. Let the miracles flow; the nations see your handiwork among us. Let your mighty hand be with us to work with us in the name of Jesus Christ!
  7. THANK GOD FOR AN ANSWERED PRAYER. Thank God for all men and for the people in authority. Thank God for grace and for life. Thank God for adding unto us such as, are being saved.

Stay blessed!

Author: Bishop Noah Simpe Bediako

I am a fiery faith preacher and presently the senior pastor of the HighCity Church World wide. I was originally trained as a civil engineer and hold a second degree from the KNUST/ I HEAR in water supply and environmental sanitation. I am married to Sandra and together we have Daniel, Judah and Michelle.

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